The Football Feed

Malik Hooker rips Cowboys teammate Micah Parsons

Offseason drama in Dallas!

Michael W.

It wouldn't be the offseason for the Dallas Cowboys without a little drama attached to it. 

Dallas Cowboys safety Malik Hooker had some unflattering remarks for his teammate Micah Parsons, whom he implied is spending too much time worrying about his podcast rather than his work on the field.

“My advice for Micah would be: just know we’re all right and being where your feet are,” Hooker said. “Because if we’re at work, and the run game’s terrible, but you’re doing a podcast every week and you know the run game is terrible, then what are you really caring about? Are you caring about the crowd that ‘s watching your podcast? Or caring about the success of our team and the Super Bowl that we’re trying to reach?”

He continued: 

“But also, people got to remember Micah’s young,” Hooker said. “He’s still trying to find his way, he’s still trying to grow into who he’s trying to be. So I give him grace.

“Micah’s still a big kid. And you can’t fault a big kid for trying to expand, as well as experiencing stuff that they ain’t really been through. Micah’s only been in the league four years. There’s still experiences, stuff he ain’t been through. He ain’t ever been through real adversity yet. He hasn’t seen that. So I feel like, over time, over these next couple years of experiencing adversity, you’ll see him start to change how approaches stuff like that, like the podcast and stuff like that.”

Should Parsons spend more time working on his game rather than his podcast? 

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