The Football Feed

Michael Irvin to hold major press conference

He's gonna tell more of his side!

The Football Feed

The Football Feed

Dallas Cowboys legend Michael Irvin has announced that he'll be holding a press conference later today, and he will be joined by attorney Levi McCathern and agent Steve Mandel. He's still in the midst of his $100 million lawsuit against Marriott after he was accused by a woman of inappropriate behavior that resulted in him not only being removed from the hotel but also pulled from Super Bowl coverage by NFL Network. 

Michael Irvin to hold major press conference

Here's what Irvin had to say initially after the harassment claim was released: 

“Honestly, I’m a bit baffled with it all,” Irvin told the Morning News. “This all happened in a 45-second conversation in the lobby. When I got back after going out ... I came into the lobby, and I talked to somebody. I talked to this girl. I don’t know her, and I talked to her for about 45 seconds. We shook hands. Then, I left. … That’s all I know.don’t really recall that conversation, to tell you the truth. We were out drinking. It was just a friendly conversation. ‘What’s up?’ I don’t even know. … I am totally perplexed.”

We will keep our eyes peeled for what Irvin has to say on his behalf.