The Football Feed

Dan Snyder threatens Cowboys owner Jerry Jones

This is getting out of hand.

The Football Feed

The Football Feed

Controversial Washington Commanders team owner Dan Snyder has no intention of selling, and he reportedly has a plan to make his fellow team owners pay via blackmail if indeed he's forced to sell. 


"He tells members of his inner circle about the dirt he has accumulated on fellow owners, coaches, executives, even his own employees — all the stuff he’s learned from other sources, including private investigative firms. He never says exactly what he knows, only that in his 23 years as owner of the Washington Commanders, he knows a lot. And that in the zero-sum world of billionaires, this is how you survive. Snyder recently told a close associate that he has gathered enough secrets to “blow up” several NFL owners, the league office and even commissioner Roger Goodell."

“They can’t f— with me,” he has said privately."

"One owner was told by Snyder directly that he “has dirt on Jerry Jones,” a team source told ESPN, though the nature of the information was unclear. Another source confirmed that Snyder has told a confidant that he has “a file” on Jones, the Dallas Cowboys owner who has served as Snyder’s friend, mentor and longtime firewall of support."

Snyder is certainly behaving like a cornered animal right now, and there's no telling where this situation will end up. 

Source: Twitter