The Football Feed

Michael Irvin gets bad news

This isn't what he was hoping for.

The Football Feed

The Football Feed

The hefty lawsuit that former Dallas Cowboys legend Michael Irvin has filed against Marriott after he was accused of sexual harassment that resulted in his being removed by NFL Network from Super Bowl coverage may ultimately be dismissed, according to a recently released report. 

Marriott International has requested that a federal judge in Texas dismiss the case, or at least move it to the state of Arizona where the alleged events occured. 

Via the Dallas Morning News: 

According to court documents obtained by The Dallas Morning News, Marriott asked District Judge Amos Mazzant III to dismiss Irvin’s lawsuit for a lack of personal jurisdiction. Marriott, in documents filed in the Eastern District of Texas, argues Irvin “concedes that none of the facts and circumstances giving rise to his claims occurred in Texas.”

Should Irvin's suit ultimately be dismissed, there's no telling where it would go from there. 

Source: Yahoo