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NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre being sued for millions!

The former Packers legend is in a sticky situation.

Michael W.

The Mississippi Department of Human Services is seeking to recoup $24 million in misspent welfare funds meant to assist those living in poverty, and Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre has been named in the lawsuit. 

Other defendants named in the lawsuit include former professional wrestlers Brett DiBiase, Ted DiBiase Sr., and Ted “Teddy” DiBiase Jr., in which they are accused of having “squandered” over $20 million in money from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families anti-poverty program.

According to State auditor Shad White, Favre received over $1 million in funds from TANF program through the Mississippi Community Education Center, accepting the money for speaking engagements but never fulfilling his obligations for Families First of Mississippi. And while Favre paid back the money, he reportedly still owes nearly $300,000 in interest. 

Favre denied taking money and not fulfilling his obligations for appearances in May of 2020. 

“[The allegation that] I took $1.1 million and didn’t show up for speaking engagements is absolutely 100% not true," Favre said in May of 2020. "But yes, we are paying it back."

Favre hasn't been charged with any crimes relating to the case.