The Football Feed

Stephen A. Smith sides with LeBron James over Cowboys!

Well, maybe this was expected.

The Football Feed

The Football Feed

By now, you've seen the story of current Dallas Cowboys general manager and owner Jerry Jones having been photographed as part of a group of students who were attempting to block the desegregation of North Little Rock High School in 1957; Jones was pictured amongst a group of young men attempting to keep six black students from entering, though he explained that he was simply there out of curiosity.

Not surprisingly, NBA superstar LeBron James has voiced his criticism of Jones, despite the latter having said that he's still a fan of James. And now, outspoken ESPN personality Stephen A. Smith is saying that he's with James on this one. 

"I can't applaud LeBron enough for what he said," Smith said. "I 1,000 percent agree with LeBron James because that wasn't about Jerry Jones, if you're listening." 

"What LeBron was talking about is unavoidable," Smith continued. "Donald Trump says something, the media ask LeBron about it. LeBron James has been subjected to question after question after question, but suddenly when it came to Jerry Jones, you didn't ask? Because I assure you, if I was in that press room, I would have asked LeBron about it."

He continued: 

"The fact that he wasn't asked that question, and he had waited, and he had to bring up the subject to the media in the year 2022 gives credence and buffers the argument that Kyrie Irving was making when Kyrie said, 'Where's the intensity when our peoples going through stuff?... That's what LeBron was calling out."

Source: MARCA