The Football Feed

Matt Lafleur: I don't want to play in UK

This is a first for the franchise.

The Football Feed

The Football Feed

The Green Bay Packers are taking their talents international this weekend, as they'll be taking on the New York Giants at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London, the home of home of Premier League club Tottenham Hotspur. 

For the Packers, this is their first trip as part of the NFL's international series which began in 2007. And due to the time difference, fans in Green Bay had better be in front of their televisions by 8:30 AM; fish and chips and a few pints of ale are optional, but encouraged.

But if head coach Matt LaFleur had his way, it sounds as though he'd rather be staying in the US for this game. 

"I'm not going to give you my honest answer," LaFleur said. "I'd rather refrain. It feels like a Thursday night game for us as coaches just in terms of all the preparation you've got to do. But you just do it, so it is what it is."

Quarterback Aaron Rodgers sounded as though he had a different take on the matter, however. 

"Listen, coaches are creatures of habit, even more than players," Rodgers said Wednesday, via ESPN. "Anytime there's a minute adjustment to the schedule, it throws them all out of whack. So I wouldn't read too much into that.

"We're all excited. I think the reason I said I wanted to go over early was just to experience a little bit of that culture, to be able to get out and see some sights and interact with fans and ... shoot, go to a pub and have a Guinness or whatever the local brew is. That's what we all want to do, those of us that want to go over early."
