The Football Feed

Sean Payton lays down the law for Russell Wilson

Can Payton turn things around in the Rockies?

The Football Feed

The Football Feed

The Denver Broncos have officially introduced new head coach Sean Payton, and he'll be tasked with helping to turn around a franchise that suffered through a tremendously disappointing year in 2022 - especially with new quarterback Russell Wilson. 

For Payton, who worked with Hall of Famer Drew Brees during their years with the New Orleans Saints, he understands that Wilson wasn't where he needed to be last season. 

So, how do the two sides fix things in 2023? 

“It wasn’t the type of season he wanted to have,” Payton said Monday when describing Wilson’s 2022 campaign. “I feel like the last couple of weeks, we saw a little bit more of maybe what we were expecting or accustomed to. I say, ‘We,’ [meaning] you all when you signed them. I think the No. 1 job for us as coaches in evaluating our players [is deciding] what are the things that they do really well? Then, let’s try to put them in those positions. At least that’s the starting point, and I think that it is important to highlight their strengths and minimize maybe any weaknesses.”

Additionally, Payton has introduced a new rule - no personal coaches will be allowed in their locker room, meaning that Wilson's personal quarterback coach won't be hanging around the team facility again.

"That's foreign to me," Payton said. "That's not gonna take place here. I'm unfamiliar with it. But our staff will be here, our players will be here, and that'll be it."