The Football Feed

Washington Post: The Cowboys aren't America's Team

Instead, the author has hand-selected an NBA team for the moniker.

Michael W.

Professional sports can be extremely polarizing, especially amongst fans who have been raised generation to generation to love one team and hate another.

The NFL's Dallas Cowboys, right or wrong, have been known by the moniker of "America's Team" for the last several years, despite not having won a Super Bowl since the mid 1990's. And according to one of the biggest news outlets in the country, they're not worthy of being known by that honor. 

The Washington Post instead argues that "America's Team" should be bestowed upon the Golden State Warriors, who have advanced to the NBA Finals for the 6th time in the past eight NBA seasons, and will be looking to win a 4th title since 2015. Additionally, the author cites players/coaches on the Warriors using their voice for social causes. 

"The National Football League’s Dallas Cowboys have long been unofficially dubbed “America’s Team.” But, with the way they have used their platforms to make America better while also achieving historic success, the Golden State Warriors are proving that title now belongs to them."

The entire article can be read Here.